Sandra @ My Fiction Nook
I like romance and boys loving boys in my books.
You can also find me on my
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Rating Chart
Reading Challenge 2025
Read (1906)
Planning to read (1009)
Currently reading (4)
Favorite (11)
Wishlist (0)
Reviewed (1228)
2012-book-challenge (37)
2013-book-challenge (170)
2014 Book Challenge (212)
2015 Book Challenge (149)
2016 Book Challenge (132)
2017 Book Challenge (120)
2018 Book Challenge (78)
arc-netgalley (217)
arc-publisher-direct (552)
review-requested (161)
Bold Strokes Books (4)
Bottom Drawer Pub (2)
Carina Press (9)
Dark Hollows Press (2)
Dreamspinner Press (358)
less than three press (7)
MLR Press (14)
Ninestar Press (1)
Pride Publishing (13)
Riptide Pub (50)
Samhain Pub (11)
Totally Bound Publishing (5)
wilde city press (31)
age gap (52)
angels (9)
angst-and-drama (788)
animal-heroes (19)
anthologies (20)
apocalyptic (12)
are-you-effing-serious (153)
author-giveaways (5)
authors-i-don-t-trust (6)
authors-that-rock (81)
awesome-heroes (37)
bad-doggie (83)
bandwagoners (18)
because Jules liked it (1)
bios-or-historical-figures (24)
Bittersweet (7)
blew-my-mind (23)
books-from-my-childhood (17)
boys-in-uniforms (29)
bullies-abuse-hate (265)
burn-it-to-ashes (14)
butt virgins (107)
celebs-shouldnt-write (28)
character-driven (200)
cheap-ploys-to-make-a-buck (190)
cheaters (12)
cheesy-covers (14)
chicklit (7)
choked-on-foot-in-mouth (40)
christian-fiction (2)
classics (24)
clueless-heroines (20)
cold-shower-needed (180)
contemporary (929)
cowboys (34)
cry-me-a-river (231)
darwin-award-eligible (118)
dipshit-heroes (60)
Doctor-I-Have-A-Booboo (4)
Doing The Bossman (10)
dont-even-bother (153)
dub-con (30)
dystopian (15)
emo-teens (72)
fanfic-still-online (9)
fantasy (42)
fight-club (26)
flowers-and-chocolates (990)
fluffy-mcflufferson (271)
for-the-kiddies (30)
freebies (268)
friends-to-lovers (94)
German books (1)
Ghosts (3)
giggle-snorts (144)
gimme-gimme-gimme (46)
giveaways (2)
gonna-be-sick (113)
graphic-novels (1)
Harlequin-esque (44)
historical-fiction (31)
holiday-stories (26)
homophobic (26)
hot-for-teacher (16)
humor (70)
hunks-you-want-for-yourself (46)
i-vant-to-suck-your-blood (99)
icky-subject (11)
if-only-for-the-lulz (11)
insta-love (52)
kick-ass-heroines (17)
LGBT (77)
love-in-the-olden-days (96)
m-m-yeah-baby (833)
made-me-ragey (128)
made-of-win (90)
make-it-stop (25)
mary-sue-insert (2)
memoirs-autobios (17)
menagerie (7)
mer-people (5)
mm-romance-group (91)
must-read (43)
nailbiters (435)
naughties (732)
need-this-now (4)
nepotism-got-me-published (4)
new-adult (71)
no-just-no (174)
non-fiction (95)
not-cool (167)
not-if-i-were-dying (156)
now-a-movie (2)
online-fiction (10)
out for you (106)
own-it (220)
parodies (2)
pirates-arrgghh (2)
polyamory (10)
quarantined (18)
quickies (100)
rakes-and-scoundrels (8)
read-in-school (3)
read-the-fanfic-for-free (147)
reads-like-fanfic (36)
real-people-fic (2)
recovering-addicts (12)
religious-themes (23)
rentboys (16)
rewritten-fanfiction (157)
roughnecks (10)
rumored-to-be-fanfic (11)
salivating (15)
satire (3)
sci-fi (17)
self-help (29)
series (274)
severe-side-eyes (169)
short-stories (200)
shouldn-t-be-published (159)
snarky-snark-sarcasm (153)
snowflakes (38)
so-bloody-brilliant (54)
social-issues (45)
sociopaths (30)
soldier-boys (29)
steampunk (2)
sucky-friends-are-sucky (93)
supernatural (249)
take-to-a-deserted-island (34)
teenage-love (100)
that-poor-tree (113)
them-highland-boys (3)
this-is-fanfiction (4)
tie-me-up (71)
time-traveling (1)
true-crime (11)
violence-non-con (138)
waiting-for-release (13)
wanna-get-it (24)
was-this-plagiarized (5)
wasnt-worth-the-time (11)
whodunit (55)
worst-books-ever (8)
wtf-is-this (179)
young-adult (131)
zombies, ghouls and such (3)
Unshelved (1019)
because Jules liked it
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