
Sandra @ My Fiction Nook

I like romance and boys loving boys in my books. 

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3447 BOOKS

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Secrets and Charms
Lou Harper
Progress: 100%
The Luckiest (Lucky Moon Book 2)
M.J. O'Shea, M.J. O'Shea
Progress: 100%
My Favorite Uncle
Marshall Thornton
Progress: 100%
The River Leith
Leta Blake
Progress: 100%

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ARC Review: Broken by Raine Norman

Broken - Raine Norman

I liked it, I did, but it needed a bit more meat than what I got in the 40 or so pages on my Nook. I liked both characters, but when dealing with an established couple going through a tough time, I would have liked a bit more in depth backstory for them. And I didn't quite buy the rapidity with which Oliver changed his outlook. 


Still, an enjoyable read. I really liked the way the author showed that Joel was just as affected by the accident, even if it was in a different, less physical, way. I also liked that a nice female was included who proved a good friend to them both. And holy hot boysecks, Batman - that was nicely done, without being overly descriptive and/or repetitive, yet still emotionally connecting. 




I received a free copy from the publisher. A positive review was not promised in return.