
Sandra @ My Fiction Nook

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ARC Review: Long Time Gone by SE Jakes

Long Time Gone - S.E. Jakes





Hot damn, this was a great read. I still have questions, but got lots of answers in this one. Still not quite a romance-romance, but these two men (yes, MEN!) really do love each other. Even if neither can say it out loud.


There was this one scene, when Proph takes out his wallet and Tom sees his driver's license - well, goosebumps broke out in full force, OMG. 


But let's start at the beginning. Which is sort of a direct continuation from the ending of last book. Tom is partnered with Cope and learning stuff. Prophet is doing some rescuing, on his own. I had lots of open questions.


After sending a million (or so it seems) emails to Proph, without even knowing if he's reading them, Tom is seriously questioning his previous decisions of leaving Prophet, even if it was just in order to save him, because, as you might remember, Tom is 'bad loque'. I don't know about you, but JFC, it speaks to the author's talent to make me believe that these two hard-core, strong, suffer-in-silence men are actually secretly capable of a bit of romance too. 


So, anyway, they suffer in silence, while trying their best to not think about the other, and ignore their pain, and yada yada, bc they be real, tough men. Right? Right. 


But then there's a hurricane coming, and Tom's aunt Della is in the thick of it, and Prophet reads the emails and drives down to NOLA to help out Tom's aunt, and wouldn't ya know, Tom has a bit of voodoo and shows up too, and HOLY HOT BOYSECKS, BATMAN!!


I could feel the need between these two men. I mean, seriously, my heart clenched (so did another part, but whatev), because these two NEED each other. Long live reunion sex. 


So then shit happens, and Tom's asshole daddy shows up, and then one of Tom's old enemies is found dead, and then all hell breaks loose and more shit happens, and you know you'd better put on that seatbelt, because you're in for a wild ride. 


Let me remind you where this takes place - NOLA. New Orleans, Louisiana. Swamp, marsh, alligators, snakes, damp, wet, sweltering heat exacerbated by a hurricane. Danger, Will Robinson! 


I don't want to give away any of the plot points. Let it suffice that I got a lot of the answers I wanted to get, that there were some rather poignant moments in this book, and that there's not a cliffhanger this time around. 


SE Jakes delivers exactly what I wanted for these two. 


Brilliantly executed, deeply engrossing and perfectly matched to book 1 - this was a privilege to read.


I received a free ARC from Riptide Publishing via Netgalley. A positive review was not promised in return.