
Sandra @ My Fiction Nook

I like romance and boys loving boys in my books. 

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Currently reading

Secrets and Charms
Lou Harper
Progress: 100%
The Luckiest (Lucky Moon Book 2)
M.J. O'Shea, M.J. O'Shea
Progress: 100%
My Favorite Uncle
Marshall Thornton
Progress: 100%
The River Leith
Leta Blake
Progress: 100%

Favorite quotes

Darkest Passion (Lords of the Underworld 7)

The Darkest Passion - Gena Showalter I'm in awe, seriously. Book 5 was amazing. Aeron, Keeper of Wrath, adoptive father of Legion, one of hell's minions, falls in love with Olivia, an angel who has by choice fallen from heaven, lost her wings and clawed her way out of hell just to be with him.Of course, romance is never easy in any of the LOTU books, and this 5th installment is no different. There is resistance and avoidance and attempts of seduction and defeat and success. And oh, the consummation of desire left me breathless as always. You can 'feel' the need, the want, the must-have when it finally happens, and it's breathtaking. Aeron tries to resist Olivia for the longest time (utterly futile, obviously), Legion shows her true colors by making a bargain with Lucifer but then redeems herself at the conclusion, drawing cheers from me, and Aeron, sweet gentle Aeron chooses to give his life for Olivia's. I screamed and cried when Lysander delivered the death blow, sobbed rivers of tears when Olivia mourned over Aeron's body, convinced this book would end with the death of a Lord, but the author finds a way to make it all go away. Olivia petitions the Heavenly High Council and the one True Deity and is granted what she wants most - a living, happy Aeron. Who is now demon-free, but still immortal. She even gets back her wings. Ah, the power of love. Legion doesn't fare quite as well, even though she attempts to kill Galen. That act is what actually saves her, because she too is granted leniency and if Aeron can free her from hell, she may stay with him but will be assigned a 'watcher' angel so she cannot wreak any further havoc. Oh, did I mention that Aeron gets the girl? ;) And the Lords manage, with mostly Olivia's help, to capture the Cloak of Invisibility (handy little thing) and are now in possession of three of the artifacts they need to find Pandora's box. The plot is fascinating, as the author weaves the strands of the plotlines together, involves all of the major characters, including the bad ones like Galen and Stefano, and introduces new ones that are important to the action and future plots. Even Baden makes an appearance. Sorry, he's still dead.We are given glimpses of future events through Danika's paintings, knowing they will come true. We find out a few things about the Titans and the Greeks, and how it's all intertwined. turns out the Hunters are being helped by Rhea, Cronus' estranged wifey, and both of them are also possessed by demons because the Greeks made it so. I was on the edge of my seat throughout most of the book, cheering for them, crying with them, biting my nails when things got tense and scary, and this is the best book of the series so far. Can't wait to start the next one.Thanks, Michelle, for my new obsession. ;)