
Sandra @ My Fiction Nook

I like romance and boys loving boys in my books. 

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Secrets and Charms
Lou Harper
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The Luckiest (Lucky Moon Book 2)
M.J. O'Shea, M.J. O'Shea
Progress: 100%
My Favorite Uncle
Marshall Thornton
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The River Leith
Leta Blake
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ARC Review: Letters From Cupid by Ari McKay

Letters from Cupid - Ari McKay

This was the perfect Valentine's Day tale - two sweet, slightly nerdy profs communicating via letters in the weeks leading up to February 14th.

After overhearing a conversation in the office next door, occupied by one Dr. Derek Chandler, university professor, Macon Pinney (whose name I repeatedly read as Mason) disagrees with Derek's assessment of his love life and pens a letter to his colleague, signing it "Cupid".

And thus begins a back and forth correspondence between Macon/Cupid and the object of his affection, Derek. Except, of course, Derek has no idea who Cupid is - it certainly couldn't be the cute but aloof professor in the office next door. Right?

At the same time, Derek tries to get to know Macon in person, and confesses his innermost thoughts to Cupid. Who's also Macon.

But Macon thinks that Derek's gushing over the cute man he's interested in doesn't pertain to him, and is afraid that he might have lost his chance to win Derek's heart...

Seriously cute, even though the correspondence was a little stilted - I thought that just added to the charm. Both men didn't think they had a chance with the other, both of them hesitant to really open themselves up to possibly hurt, and thus super careful with revealing their desires. However, once the truth comes out... well, you read this for yourself.

If you're looking for a sweet Valentine's Day romance, try this one.

** I received a free copy of the 2nd edition of this book from its publisher. A positive review was not promised in return. **