
Sandra @ My Fiction Nook

I like romance and boys loving boys in my books. 

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ARC Review: Johnnie by Cardeno C.

Johnnie - Cardeno C.

Cardeno C. is writing a new shifter series. This time, with LION shifters.

Gimme it at once!!!

Seriously, CC's books are like a drug to me. My own personal brand of heroin. Marshmallows on crackers. With chocolate, all ooey-gooey.

But enough of my addiction, let's talk about this book.

This book, people. This book with Hugh Landry, a Premier Lion shifter, who at over 100 years old is as oblivious to some things as the day he was born. Welped. Whatever.

See, a Premier has so much awesome power that he needs a Syphon to carry some of it, or he'd implode from the pressure. So Hugh has his Syphon, had him for years, without ever paying any mind to the young man who's constantly in his vicinity, ever ready to absorb some of the immense powers of this super oblivious Lion man.

Until the Syphon nearly succeeds in what he's apparently been trying for a while, and Hugh gets a huge wake-up call.

And this is just in the first few pages, folks.

From there, CC takes us on a journey where obliviousness gives way to awareness and eventually a grand romance.

Crack, I tell you. The fluffy, sweet, tooth-achingly sugary crack that are CC novels, and I'm an addict.

Considering this is the first in what is shaping up to be a great series, the required world-building is cleverly integrated into the plot, without ever becoming boring, and I read and read and read until I was at the end. And even then I wanted more. MOAR!! NOW!!!

I utterly adored Johnnie (the Syphon) who is so amazingly sweet and kind and smart, and who blossoms visibly under the attention and care of his Premier, and while I initially wanted to smack Hugh over the head a few times, he too won my heart about halfway through when it becomes clear that he's falling head over heels for the young man he's never noticed before.

The action scenes, that stem from the plot to bring down Hugh, are well done, edge-of-my-seat tense, and worked well within the overall direction of the book. I loved, loved, loved the scenes between Hugh and Johnnie, and I adored how CC let both men grow into what they were supposed to be, as well as setting the stage for the next novels.

Gimme more, CC! Gimme lots more!!

** I received a free copy of this book from its author. A positive review was not promised in return. **