
Sandra @ My Fiction Nook

I like romance and boys loving boys in my books. 

You can also find me on my main blog



1408 Devotees
112 Devoted To
3447 BOOKS

Currently reading

Secrets and Charms
Lou Harper
Progress: 100%
The Luckiest (Lucky Moon Book 2)
M.J. O'Shea, M.J. O'Shea
Progress: 100%
My Favorite Uncle
Marshall Thornton
Progress: 100%
The River Leith
Leta Blake
Progress: 100%

Favorite quotes

Through a Dark Mist

Through a Dark Mist - Marsha Canham This was my first foray into pure historical romance (the kind without a supernatural twist) in many years. And this was probably the perfect book to lure me back into the age of swashbuckling knights on their majestic destriers and beautiful maidens who fall in love with them.Through A Dark Mist is the story of the Black Wolf of Lincoln AKA Lucien Wardieu AKA Randulf de la Seyne Sur Mer and his lady love, the feisty and courageous Servanne de Briscourt. Together they must, with the help of a band of merry men (and one ferocious wench in boy's clothing), find a way to defeat the Dragon of Bloodsmoor Keep and the evil woman by his side.This one has it all - a believable love story, intrigue, suspense, engaging dialogue, knights with swords and an ending to make you swoon. I loved it. I loved it so much that I went and bought the other two books of this trilogy.The writing is eloquent and very descriptive and while it took about 100 pages for me to really get into this story, I could hardly put it down after that. There's a consummation that will leave you hot and bothered, another that churns with passion and a final one that solidifies this book's 4 stars. I was very much entertained throughout, finding myself at the edge of my seat in the more stressful situations and smiling with joy at the finale. Very nicely done.